Helping schools refine direction for a successful destination
School Check-Up
Complimentary school assessment to help schools and individuals achieve continuous improvement.
Assessment encompasses:
Working with schools’ administration
Reviewing school’s handbook(s)
Virtual or in-person campus visit
Meeting with board members, administration, faculty, staff, and parents.
Providing the school with a detailed SWOT analysis
Virtual Consultation
Engage in a 30-minute online coaching session designed to enhance leadership skills and address school-related concerns for individuals.
Online Coaching sessions
Improve individuals’ leadership skill development
Discuss school issues
Time: 30 minutes
Location: Online
CI Workshops and Retreats
My approach is to understand each school’s culture and work with them to determine their desired destination. Then, I offer practical and helpful continuous improvement solutions for the proper direction that will lead them to their desired destination.
The heartbeat of every school direction is centered on their vision, mission, and model.
Understanding your personality and the personality of those you work with is revolutionary to the school’s culture. It will provide clarity and effective communication and add tremendously to the positive direction of the school.
Schools rise and fall to the level of expectations set and that are clearly communicated. Vertical and Horizontal communication structures are key to the school’s climate.
Administrators are responsible for setting an example, we will discuss guidelines and best practices for interacting and performing like a professional.
Successful schools are continually evaluating programs and governance strategies. To that end, we offer consultant reviews of school and board projects and programs. For example, Head of School Search and Evaluation, Strategic Long-Term Planning, Fundraising, Governance and Committee Structure, Starting a New School and more.
In establishing a healthy climate between faculty/staff and administration, we can provide useful guidelines and information in areas of interview questions, clear contracts, performance evaluations, and improvement plans.
Ideas and strategies provided for improvement and growth. Individual coaching is available as well.
Insights and alignment for Policies and Procedures in your Faculty/Staff/Parent/Student Handbooks. Some areas covered are Discipline, Dress Code, Grading, Homework, Safety Procedures, Security Policies and any other mission critical areas to Continuous Improvement and the direction and destination of your school.
We offer suggestions, and guidelines for existing and new programs that will enhance school offerings with excellences.
We will journey with you into a detailed look into the school’s finances to leverage fiscal responsibility and opportunities. This includes, but not limited to tuition, needs based financial aid, departmental spending, extracurricular activities, salaries, and benefits, etc.
Christian Life
Speaker for Chapels, FCA events, Graduations, and more on a variety of Christian topics
Spiritual Direction insights for boards, administration, faculty, staff, students, and parents
Bible class curriculum review and development
Individual and group discipleship opportunities
Speaking engagement with spiritual direction insights for all facets of educational communities; meticulously crafting Bible class curricula to enrich learning, and fostering spiritual growth through individual and group discipleship opportunities.
“You were my first mentor when I became a teacher. You showed me how I could strike a balance between being strict, but also having a lot of fun with the students. I now enjoy a classroom environment where I have the upper hand, not letting things go crazy and the kids still enjoy themselves. Thank you for making teaching fun and allowing me to feel good about myself as a teacher.”
— Teacher